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The One Where It All Began...

My Friends merchandise collection started in 1998. This was the year that I began watching the show and I quickly became obsessed with it.

In July of that year, on my birthday, my parents took me to the Warner Bros Studio Store (RIP) in Glasgow and it was then that I got my very first items of Friends merchandise - two mugs, a keychain and a shirt. Since then, I've continued to add to my collection and over 20 years later, it's still growing!

Out of those original first items, I no longer have the original t-shirt. :( I have however, been lucky rnough to find a replacement for it on ebay.


I also no longer have all my original posters, that you can see in the photo above. I sold them two years after this photo was taken and I regret that now. That photo is of my bedroom, in 1999. As you can see, it was covered in Friends posters. I had even more than those, on the walls of the room that you don't see.


With a new generation of Friends fans all these years later discovering the show through Netflix, the merchandise available is now more than ever! And I am always on the look out for new items to add to my collection.

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